About Bibliotheca Aramaica

Digital preservation of ancient Aramaic manuscripts, study resources from Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac and Assyrian Bible Societies and Ministries worldwide. Online Bibles, Aramaic Peshitta, Syriac Peshitto, the Holy Scriptures in many languages

Bibliotheca Aramaica (also "Biblioteca Arameo") is the name of a private library located in Charlotte, North Carolina, containing manuscripts, printed works and digital archives in Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, English and other languages. This website is made available to feature some of the manuscripts currently within the library by providing digital scans, photographs and transcribed or newly typeset works to the public. On occasion printed versions of the same and reprints of older, out-of-print works, will be made available freely and to those who wish to purchase these at nominal costs.

The physical library is not a public institution. To gain access you must be invited by the owner Ya'aqub Younan-Levine. The owner does not respond to requests for access under any circumstances. Typically, the only individuals invited are those from the academic community. Financial contributions are not requested nor accepted. However, contributions are taken in the form of manuscripts and books. Such contributions may not necessarily serve as a "foot in the door" for obtaining an invitation to visit the library. Please write to make arrangements.


  • Ya'aqub Younan-Levine
  • Aran Ya'aqub Younan-Levine
  • George M. Akbulut
  • Abraham Seif
  • Michael Spira
The name "Bibliotheca Aramaica" (also "Biblioteca Arameo") is used exclusively in reference to the private library of Ya'aqub Younan-Levine, and as such these names may not be used in any official manner outside of referring to this particular library. In order to protect the integrity of the library, its purpose and owner, legal action may be taken against individuals and institutions that misuse these names. Common, or general use of these names does not necessarily constitute an illegal action.

Thus says MarYah: Stand in the ways and see; ask for the old paths, and watch where the good path is and walk by it, and you will find rest for your souls.
(Ketava d'Eramya Nebya 6:16)